Customised plastic formulations

Thanks to our expertise in plastic material customisation, custom plastic formulations and plastic grade development, we can develop specific plastic grades to match your own specifications. Our team is equipped with a state-of-the-art lab extruder, which enables us to conduct tests on specific entry materials and develop new and customized plastic grades.

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Extruder Galloo Plastics

From using specific entry materials to adding specific additives such as anti-UV, temperature resistance, anti-humidity, and more, we can customize the formulation to meet your exact specifications.

With our experience in recycled materials and cutting-edge equipment, Galloo Plastics can create a plastic product that is tailored to your needs.

Plastic product

But wait,
there is more

Compounding icon


The sorted plastics are extruded and their mechanical properties are adapted with additives.

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Quality control

Galloo Plastics makes systematic quality control in all production stages to ensure compliant product.

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Galloo Plastics specializes in plastic waste management, including plastic waste sorting, recycling and processing techniques. We process plastic wast from different sources.

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Give a second life to plastic
and join the revolution

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